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Archives for February 2015

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A Biblical Theology of the Trees of the Garden

At the outset of the biblical record, two trees stood at the center of God's covenantal dealing with man--the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. Far from being mythological concepts, these trees were--in a very real sense--just like any other trees in the Garden. God did not invest these trees with magical power to confer something out of their o...

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A Match Made in Heaven

Genesis 2:18-25 is one of the most wonderful--as well as most neglected--portions of Scripture. It contains the first recorded human words spoken: "This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man" (Gen. 2:23). No doubt modern ideas about feminist egalitarianism and misogynistic abuse have stolen something of the glo...

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6 Thoughts on Sacred Space

When God created Adam, he set apart sacred space in which he would enter into fellowship with his newly created image bearer. Just as He had created time and space (Gen. 1:1-2), setting apart a portion of that time to be sacred unto Him, so the Lord set apart a portion of sacred space in which man would worship Him. While the story arc of Scripture is that of man's fall ...

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