A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for January 2018

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Calmer Than You Are

The Bible everywhere commends patience, gentleness, quietness and kindness. Though Jesus overthrew tables in the Temple, in righteous anger--and drove out the moneylenders with a whip--Scripture primarily characterizes him as being "gentle and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11:29). Scripture teaches us that those who are united to Christ by faith are being conformed to his image. ...

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Keeping the Cross in Focus

John Calvin, in his commentary on Galatians, wrote, "Let those who would discharge aright the ministry of the gospel learn, not merely to speak and declaim, but to penetrate into the consciences of men, to make them see Christ crucified, and feel the shedding of his blood."1 What Calvin stated so forthrightly is in keeping with the apostolic example and admonitions. For...

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The Mechanistic Church

Many wrongly view the local church as a social society that exists to meet their needs or desires. On the contrary, the church exists to bring glory to God, to spread and defend the Gospel, to build up and equip the saints unto mutual edification in love and to carry out the good works for which Christ has redeemed a people (Eph. 2:10; 4:11-16). To this end, the Christian ...

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Faith to Dry Up Puddles?

In his autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, John Bunyan recalled a time in his life when he sought to test whether or not he had true faith. He stood in front of a puddle to see whether or not he could perform a miracle and make the puddle dry up. As he stood there, he thought to himself that he should pray prior to attempting this miracle. He then reas...

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The Doubting Believer

Fifteen to twenty years ago, prominent figures in the missional movement began saying things like, "Our churches have to be safe places for doubters," or "You should feel like you can come to our church with all of your doubts." I always felt somewhat uncomfortable whenever I heard these statements--not because I think that our churches shouldn't be safe place for people t...

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The John Murray Collection

The older I get, the more I realize how much I especially owe to the work of the late Professor John Murray. Murray served as the professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary from 1930-1966. ...

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The Genesis of Theology

For those who have decided to go back to Genesis at the beginning of 2018 as you restart your Bible reading plan, here are a few theological themes that emerge when we meditate on the opening two chapters of the Bible in light of the fullness of biblical revelation: A Theology of Creation and New Creation "The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Th...

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