A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for June 2015

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Nothing Should Surprise Us

Something of a naive optimism manifests itself in the thinking of many Christians in North America. Maybe this has always been the case and I've just begun taking note; or, maybe it's something unique to people who live in a society that paints itself as being far more virtuous than it actually is. Frequently this optimism is defended under the notion of  "love bel...

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A Multiplicity of Mentors

Having returned from the 43rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the enormous blessing--not only of being with the many dear brothers with whom I have formed strong friendships over the past decade, but also of being with a number of theological, spiritual and leadership mentors whom the Lord has placed in m...

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Marks of Orthodoxy?

I must have heard the words "orthodox" and "orthodoxy" in my home hundreds--if not thousands--of times as a boy. For whatever reason, I never cared to ask my father what they meant until I was almost in my 20's. It is anything but uncommon to hear them used if you move within any serious ecclesiastical circle--especially in Reformed and Presbyterian churches. In fact, o...

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