Pastor Batzig has been a guest on the following Doctrine & Devotion Podcast episodes:
Confessional Integrity (with David Strain)
Below are a few of the recent theological videos and interviews with Pastor Batzig:
Theological Videos
The Forty Days with Jesus (Nick Batzig)
What is Biblical Theology? (Wrath and Grace short with Nick Batzig)
Should Pastors Be Theologians? (Wrath and Grace short with Nick Batzig)
What is Sola Scriptura? (Wrath and Grace short with Nick Batzig)
Christ-Centered Preaching (Wrath and Grace short with Nick Batzig)
Christ in the Old Testament (Reformed Pub, espisode #119 with Nick Batzig)
Typology (Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary interview with Nick Batzig)
Nick at the B.A.R. (The Biblical and Reformed Podcast with Nick Batzig)
Make Wisdom Great Again (Pilgrim Radio interview with Nick Batzig)
Wrath and Grace Radio Interview (Nick Batzig)