A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Ligonier Ministries Articles


Over the years, Pastor Batzig has written the following articles and posts for Tabletalk Magazine and Tabletalk Magazine Online. 


The Temptation of Christ (Tabletalk Magazine) – (Tabletalk Magazine) February 2025

Praying in Jesus' Name (Tabletalk Magazine) – September 2024

Why is Baptism a Means of Grace? (Ligonier Ministries) – September 2024

Objections and Questions Concerning Church Discipline (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Tabletalk Magazine)

How was the Passover a Sign of the Covenant? (Ligonier Ministries)

How is Circumcision a Sign of the Covenant? (Ligonier Ministries)

Medical Modification of the Human Body (Tabletalk Magazine)

How is the Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant?  (Ligonier Ministries)

How is the Rainbow a Sign of the Covenant?  (Ligonier Ministries)

Do Jesus and Paul Contradict One Another? (Ligonier Ministries)

What Does "Salvation" Mean?  (Ligonier Ministries)

What is Maundy Thursday?  (Ligonier Ministries)

Why Should I Read the Westminster Confession of Faith? (Ligonier Ministries)

What is Presbyterianism? (Ligonier Ministries)

Five Things You Should Know About Sanctification (Ligonier Ministries)

What is Unconditional Election? (Ligonier Ministries) 

Are Christians Totally Depraved? (Tabletalk Magazine)

What Is the Patriachal Blessing? (Ligonier Ministries)

Why Did People in Genesis Live So Long? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Confessions and Worship (Tabletalk Magazine)

What is a Means of Grace? (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Rapture and the Return of Christ (Tabletalk Magazine)

What is a Good Work? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Productivity in a Pandemic (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

We Are Not Home Yet (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

5 Ways to Pray for Your Pastor (Ligonier Ministries)

Who Delivered Up Jesus to Die? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

What is Evangelical Repentance? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Mentor Us (Tabletalk Magazine)

Is Salvation Conditional? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Do You Know the Enemy? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Wearing the Armor of Christ (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Who is Our Enemy? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Does Jesus Still Heal? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Welcome One Another (Tabletalk Magazine)

Legalism Defined (Tabletalk Magazine)

Faithfulness and Fruitfulness (Tabletalk Magazine)

What is Brotherly Love? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

How Jesus Read the Scriptures (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

How Jesus Brings Peace (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

What Did Jesus Mean by “The World”? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

The Cross and the Believer’s home (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Disarming the Devil (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

The Vertical Dimensions of the Cross (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Why is the Substitutionary Atonement Essential (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Why We Need a Priest (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

How Does Jesus’ Temptation Link Him to Israel? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

The Blessed Repetition of Redemptive History (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

Who is the True Israel of God? (Tabletalk Magazine Online)

The Gift of Entertainment (Tabletalk Magazine)

Holy War Jesus-Style (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Idol Crushing King (Tabletalk)

The Ark of the Covenant (Tabletalk Magazine)

Take Heed (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Deep Things of Christ (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Allurement of Christ (Tabletalk Magazine)

A Sinless Life (Tabletalk Magazine)

Mercy Triumphs Through Suffering (Tabletalk)

A Life of Blessing and Rest (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Secret of Sanctification (Tabletalk Magazine)

A Pastor's Love of Christ (Tabletalk Magazine)

Fear of Man (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Peril of Wandering (Tabletalk Magazine)

It’s the Little Things (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Inner Ring (Tabletalk Magazine)

The Fine Line (Tabletalk Magazine)