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Archives for November 2010

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New William Still Republications

The Lord has raised up certain men to leave an indelible mark on future ministers of the Gospel. One such man was the Rev. William Still. The lives of some of the most influential pastors and theologians (e.g. Sinclair Ferguson, Phil Ryken, Ian Hamilton, etc.) were impacted by the life and ministry of Rev. Still. I have greatly benefited from listening to his sermons and r...

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Sinclair Ferguson Basics Conference Videos on Union with Christ

The following videos are from the 2010 Basic Conference at Parkside Church. You can find the audio form the Conference here. http://vimeo.com/11680149 Sinclair Ferguson - Paul on Union With Christ (Main Session - Video) from Parkside Church http://vimeo.com/11652580 Union With Christ in Christian Living - Main Session 2 from Parkside Church http://vimeo.com/11699941 ...

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Elisabeth Elliot on Hymnody

I happened across one of Elisabeth Elliot's newsletters, from 1999, in which she wrote an article titled, "Whatever Happened to Hymns?" In this short piece, she expressed some of her concerns about the modern church's abandonment of the use of ancient hymnody in worship. It was especially moving to hear Elliot recounted how she laid in bed singing "How Firm a Foundation" ...

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Pray for Martin Downes' Daughter

Our dear brother in Christ, Martin Downes, has requested prayer for his 9 year old daughter Kezia who was just diagnosed as having a brain tumor. Martin wrote: "Yesterday our youngest daughter Kezia (9) went for an MRI scan.  The doctors discovered a large brain tumor, which is pressing on the pituitary gland.  Kezia is currently in hospital in Wrexham and will be tr...

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Forthcoming Jonathan Edwards and Scotland Volume

Dunedin Press is set to release the Jonathan Edwards and Scotland volume. The chapters were lectures given at the March 2009 University of Glasgow and Yale University sponsored Jonathan Edwards and Scotland Conference (University of Glasgow). Among the noteworthy contributions were Adrian Neale's "Petrus Van Masstricht: Exchanges in Scotland, the Netherlands, and America,"...

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Sinclair Ferguson on the Apostle Paul, Patrick Hamilton and the Voice of the Gospel

You must listen to this sermon by Sinclair Ferguson. It was preached this past Reformation Sunday at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA. At one point in the sermon Ferguson quotes Patrick Hamilton on the difference between the voice of the Law and voice of the Gospel. The quote is priceless: The Law saith to the sinner, 'Pay thy debt.' The Gospel saith, 'Chris...

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Sinclair Ferguson on the Westminster Assembly and Baptism

In 2004, Sinclair Ferguson gave one of the finest lectures on the history of the Westminster Assembly and Baptism. The talk was given at the first annual Westminster Confession into the 21st Century Conference, hosted by RPTS. The title of the lecture was "The Westminster Doctrine Of Baptism And Current Reformed Trajectories." You can purchase an audio copy of it here. You...

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Mark Dever and the "Reading Richard Sibbes Aloud Project" (MP3 Series)

I remember how excited I was when I first discovered that different individuals had recorded their readings of the sermons of Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Flavel and John Bunyan. I then remember the overwhelming disappointment I experienced when I realized that they were read without any inflection or variation in the readers' intonation. The reason for this mo...

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Free DeGraaf and Ridderbos PDFs from Paideia Press!

Paideia Press has been reprinting and publishing Dutch Reformed works for the past 40 years. Recently they have made PDFs of most of their publications available for download. You can find the complete list, with links, here. These include some of the most helpful biblical theological works from DeGraaf and Ridderbos, as well as many of the works of Kuyper and Bavinck. The...

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Pray for Edward Donnelly

Edward Donnelly is one of the greatest blessings to the church in our day. He is a model of godly humility and pastoral wisdom. He is also one of the finest preachers I have heard. You can listen to his sermons here. The following is an except from a letter written to a friend of mine regarding an urgent prayer need for Rev. Donnelly. He has suffered a severe disability fr...

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Kim Riddlebarger Amillennialism Interview

Over at Christ the Center, we recently interviewed Dr. Kim Riddlebarger with regard to his book A Case for Amillennialism. Dr. Riddlebarger is senior pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California (www.christreformed.org), visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Seminary California, and co-host of The White Horse Inn. Kim has done a tremendous job...

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The Faith of the Centurion

Luke 7:1-10 is one of the greatest accounts of faith in action in all the Scripture. It is the record of the Centurion who told Jesus to speak a word and his servant would be healed. Here was a man of extreme influence and power. He was captain over hundreds of soldiers. He could charge elders of the Jews to go to Jesus asking for His help and they did so without hesitatio...

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Pray for Our Persecuted Sister in Pakistan

Please pray for our sister in Christ, Asia Bibi, as she faces the death sentence in Pakistan for breaking an Islamic "blasphemy law." This 45 year old mother of five is sentenced to die for her faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord would intervene in a powerful way to release her. Pray also that Sharia law would be removed from the Middle East. Remember Asia as if you were c...

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Rowland Ward on God's Covenant Unfolded: Creation to New Creation

This is an outstanding digestion of the biblical-theology of creation/new creation. Rowland Ward weaves together the various themes of priesthood, kingdom, and land to the covenantal Adam-Israel-Christ development. I heartily recommend taking a few minutes to read it....

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A Divine Dialogue

Hebrews chapters 1 and 2 contain a most fascinating Divine dialogue. In chapter 1, God the Father declares facts about the nature of God the Son to the Son Himself. In Hebrews 1:5, God the Father speaks to the Son from Psalm 2:7 where He says, "You are My Son; Today I have begotten You." Then, in Hebrews 1:8-9, we find the Father saying to the Son in Psalm 45:6-7, "Your th...

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Lectures from the Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology

The lectures from the first Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology are now online. Our friends Derek Thomas, Carl Trueman, Jon Payne and Sebastian Heck spoke about building word-centered and confessionally Reformed churches. You will find the audio here....

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Oliphint Speaks at Mid-America Reformed Seminary

Our good friend Jeff Downs informs us that Dr. K. Scott Oliphint spoke at Mid-America Reformed Seminary's annual Fall Lecture Series, November 2-3. Dr. Oliphint is Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He spoke on "Contemporary Discussions on Reformed Epistemology." The first lecture was "The...

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Some Noteworthy New Books

Although it has been out for a month or more now, I thought I should mention that Fred Zaspel's helpful systematization of the theology of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, The Theology of B. B. Wafrield: A Systematic Summary, is now available here.  While Warfield was an accomplished systematic theologian, apologete, and Biblical exegete, he never produced a full-fledged...

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Next Conference 2011

This looks like it will be a great conference. With D.A. Carson, R.C. Sproul, Scott Oliphint and Vern Poythress coming to Orlando, you won't want to miss it!...

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Of Time and Eternity

Among the most profound and perplexing questions the human mind can entertain are the questions concerning the nature of time and eternity. What is time?  Why did God create time? Why did God created with time (cum tempore)? What is eternity? Is there such a thing as eternity past? Will we speak, in the hereafter, of eternity future? Many such questions arise when we st...

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Exile and Restoration in the Death and Resurrection of Christ

I wonder if many find their reading of the Old Testament hindered, in part, because they have not adequately come to understand that the judgment/salvation scheme of the Old Testament (consisting in typical judgments and typical restorations) were pictures of what Christ would experience for His people in His death, and of the typical restorations that served as pictures o...

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Law/Gospel Distinction in Calvin

I spent time reading through the Institutes yesterday, looking for Calvin's teaching on typology. In the process, I discovered an entire chapter on Calvin's view of the relationship between the Two Testaments--and between the Law and the Gospel. I either never focused on what I was reading when I read the Institutes in seminary, or I simply skipped over it. Whatever the ca...

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I Am the Resurrection and the Life

I recently had the privilege of preaching from John 11 about our Lord's raising of Lazarus from the dead.  You can hear the sermon here.  I endeavored to unpack the message under the following headings:  (1) Christ is sovereign over the timing of his miracles; (2) Christ sorrowed at his friend's tomb; and (3) Jesus himself is the resurrection and the life.  My ...

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Entrusted with the Gospel

There is nothing more important than the gospel.  There is no point at which we as Christians can dispense with it.  And so it is a pleasure to note that Crossway Books has recently published this volume of sermons on 2nd Timothy stemming from the April 2009 Gospel Coalition conference.  Entrusted with the Gospel: Pastoral Expositions of 2 Timothy is available her...

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Houston Chronicle on the Resurgence of Calvinism in America

The Houston Chronicle has an interesting article on the resurgence and spread of Calvinism in America. I found this piece to be particularly helpful, as the author paints the landscape of the various influences quite accurately. You can read it here....

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