A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for November 2017

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The Judgment-Mercy of God

Whenever some particular natural disaster occurs--e.g. an earthquake, hurricane, Tsunami, etc.--a segment of Christians vocalize their opinion that the particular disaster was God's specific judgment on a specific people for a specifically egregious sin. As soon as these opinions air they are jettisoned by a floodwater of retaliatory and equally impetuous statements of a...

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The Social Media Echo Chamber

Social media parlance and procedure are constantly evolving. Phraseology and expectations are mysteriously codified into the minds of the masses. In the social media echo chamber, parameters develop progressively and often imperceptibly. Paranoia and subtweets, expectations and ultimatums, flattery and bullying abound in the social media echo chamber. It is a messy world ...

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