July 31, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Acts 10:1-23 puts a very specific focus on Peter's vision which leads to the conversion of the Roman Centurion Cornelius. While Peter was praying he got hungry. The Lord then caused him to fall into a trance, in which Peter saw a sheet with four corners full of clean and unclean animals. The four corners of the sheet probably refer to the same thing as the "four corners of...
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July 29, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
It seems altogether probable that the apostle John refers to himself as "the disciples whom Jesus loved" and "another disciple" for two reasons. In the first place, the fourth Gospel is focused on love as the motivation of Christ in the work of redemption. In other words, John is insistent on centering on the theme of the love of Christ for His people. This is why he says ...
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July 28, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
B.B. Wafield, the great Princeton theologian of the late 19th and early 20th Century, wrote and published a small pamphlet titled A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith, in which he set down--in 13 points--the central truths of the system of doctrine known as "Reformed Theology." Perhaps this pamphlet will again be a helpful guide, as the nomenclature is b...
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July 27, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
The most recent audio and video from New Covenant Presbyterian's Sunday service is now online. You can listen to and download the audio here. You can watch the video here.
Jesus Lives, and So Shall I (Acts 9:32-43)
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July 26, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Jason Helopoulas has an outstanding post on reasons why people should and should not leave a church. I would only add to his list one more reason people have a legitimate reason to leave: "If the minister is unwilling to work hard to feed the sheep with the pure milk and the meat of the word. If the sheep are not being fed through solid, textual, Gospel-centered preaching-...
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July 25, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
My good friend Gabe Fluhrer is leaving Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC to head to WTS in Philadelphia to begin his Ph.D. studies. Gabe is an outstanding example of a Reformed, Gospel-centered, expositional preacher. You can listen to his farewell sermon here. You can listen to other messages he has preached at Second Pres. here. We wish him the richest b...
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July 23, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Matthew Blair has set up a daily email devotional from Octavius Winslow's Morning Thoughts and Evening Thoughts. If you have not read any Winslow you will be greatly blessed by his Christ-centered, rich, devotional meditations. You can learn more about this project and sign up for these free email devotionals here....
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July 22, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Last week marked the beginning of a 6 part series on "Defending the Faith" for the midweek study at New Covenant Presbyterian Church. While it is somewhat unconventional to deal with the issue of jihad and the Christian in a series on apologetics, I wanted to tie the reality of the herem warfare of the Old Testament to the Holy War in which the Christian is continually eng...
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July 22, 2010
by Joseph Randall
Our friend Jeff Downs has recently posted a series of lectures by Dr. Joseph Pipa and Dr. Richard Gaffin offered at a 1998 conference on Reformed hermeneutics and homiletics. You can find it here....
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July 17, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
We recently interviewed Anthony Selvaggio on Christ the Center with regard to Redemptive-historical and Applicatory Preaching. The interview contains many helpful thoughts with regard to hermeneutical principles, preparation and plagiarism. You can listen to the episode here. The interview began with a discussion of Anthony's Reformation 21 article Preaching to People?...
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July 15, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
My friend Andrew Cherry is planning on being an RUF intern at Georgia Southern University. He will be working along side of Rev. Sammy Rhodes. Andrew is an exceptionally gifted artist who is leaving a substantial job in Los Angeles to serve the Lord in Statesboro, GA. If you can give him any financial support, I assure you that it will be used for the advancement of the Ki...
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July 15, 2010
by Joseph Randall
Sometimes it seems as if I will never finish the book I am currently working through. This is definitely the case with my bedtime reading. But in the last few days I have concluded reading three different books that I would like to note. Do not fret. This is not my usual practice. But these books deserve some sort of honorable mention. The first ite...
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July 13, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Phil Ryken preached his farewell sermon at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia this past Sunday. You can watch the video of the entire service below. You can listen to his final sermon at Tenth here.
Dr. Ryken's last Sunday Worship Service as Sr. Minister of Tenth from Tenth Presbyterian Church on Vimeo....
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July 12, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Jesus told his disciples that the sons of this world are more shrewd than the sons of light (Luke 16:8). I don't know whether this guy is a son of this world or a son of light, but he certainly exemplifies ingenuity.
HT: Nan Whitney (my ingenious sister)...
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July 12, 2010
by Joseph Randall
As I was reading through James Anderson's intriguing volume Paradox in Christian Theology I came across this citation from Cyril of Alexandria that reminds me that the so-called "extra Calvinisticum" (the idea that the Son of God is not circumscribed by or limited to the human body of Jesus Christ) is not the property of the Reformed wing of the church but was the view of ...
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July 8, 2010
by Joel Heflin
“And you hath he now also reconciled, that were in times past strangers, and enemies, because your minds were set on evil works.â€
Nicholas Byfield’s (1579-1622) Exposition upon the Epistle to the Colossians (1615/1628 3rd ed.) was regarded by Spurgeon as wordy but worth consulting. He’s right on both counts. Writing in the context of controversy wit...
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July 1, 2010
by Nicholas Batzig
Nicholas T. Batzig
Batzig, Nicholas T., "Edwards, Maclaurin and the Transatlantic Concert of Prayer" in Minkema, Neale, and Van Andel ed. Jonathan Edwards and Scotland
2010 Tabletalk Pastoral Perspective:
The Fine Line – This article, written for Table Talk magazine, gives consideration to the issue of ministerial authority in matters of faith and worship are cons...
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