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Archives for December 2012

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The Parable of Three Lost Sons

Over the past two decades, our understanding of the fullness of what Jesus was teaching in the parable of Luke 15:11-32 has been helpfully deepened by the writing and preaching of a number of theologians. With what has been indelibly labeled, "The Parable of the Prodigal Son," Christians have, for far too long, focused their attention almost exclusively in on the younger s...

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The Glory of Man at Creation and in Redemption

In his theological masterpiece Human Nature in Its Fourfold State, Thomas Boston explained what he believed the radiance and glory of unfallen Adam in the Garden before the fall would have been like. He wrote: Man was then a very glorious creature. We have reason, to suppose, that as Moses' face shone when he came down from the mount, so man had a very lightsome and pleas...

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Jesus: The Omega of the Old Testament

The way in which the Old Testament revelation comes to a close ought to be a matter of supreme interest to believers. After thousands of years of God revealing His plan of redemption through His prophets, He spoke one final word of revelation through the Old Testament prophet Malach prior to the 400 year period of inter-testamental silence. The book of Malachi has certain...

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7 Years of the 9Marks Journal

Mark Dever and the Staff at 9Marks has been publishing materials for the well-being of the church. In addition to all the audio and video resources you will find at the 9Marks site--as well as the multitude of interviews that Mark has done with other theologians--for the past seven years the staff has been publishing an online journal which deals with various aspects of ...

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Revjw's Book Corner 12.05.12

Reading is a wonderful thing.  It stimulates thinking.  Or so it should.  Of course the famous computer expression “GIGO” applies to reading as well as to computer programming.  If all we do is put garbage in, all we will get is garbage out.  The three books I would like to mention here avoid GIGO altogether. Richard M. Gamble (not to be confused with the theolog...

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