September 25, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
There might not be a more difficult exegetical onion in all of the Scriptures than 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. Throughout the centuries many commentators and theologians have scratched their heads (no pun intended) as they sought to understand the historical situation, the flow of Paul's argumentation and what should be the application of the text to the church of their day. As...
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September 22, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
Back in 2005, Sinclair Ferguson gave a lecture on the New Perspective on Paul at Bethel Church PCA in Dallas, TX. The audio has not been available for about a year now. Because we believe that this is one of the most important critiques in the history of the debate, we're making the lecture available here....
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September 22, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
Every other week I meet with a group of men and women at New Covenant's Study Center to consider various aspects of Biblical Theology. We have considered such topics as "Adam, Covenant and Christ," "A Tale of Two Seeds," "The Noahic Covenant and Christ" and "Jesus as True Israel." The next meeting will be Tuesday October 16, 2012 at 6:30 PM. If you would like to attend p...
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September 18, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
The fourth episode of "East of Eden" is out. This time the panelists are joined by Dr. Ken Minkema, the executive editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, in order to discuss the formation of the Center and the resources available there. We also briefly spoke with Dr. Minkema about his doctoral dissertation on the history of the Edwards’ family, The E...
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September 18, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
Since the very first time I heard him preach, I've had an enormous admiration for--and have been fascinated by--the preaching of Sinclair Ferguson. The creativity which he exhibits in the pulpit makes his sermons seem more like spiritual and intellectual works of art than mere logical and informative lectures. Some of that creativity obviously has to do with personality, ...
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September 12, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
Last week we met at New Covenant Presbyterian Church's study center for the 12th installment of "The Emmaus Sessions." We began to give consideration to the Mosaic Covenant and Christ. The lecture was divided into four sections: (1) The Law in redemptive history; (2) The tripartite division of the Law; (3) The fulfillment of the Law in Christ; and (4) the three uses of the...
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September 11, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
In his 475th entry in Notes on Scripture, Jonathan Edwards expounded Exodus 25:23–40 with regard to the Christological typology of the showbread and the lampstand in the holy place of the Temple. He wrote:
These both were to stand continually in the holy place before the veil of the holy of holies, one on the north side and the other on the south. Each of these seems t...
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September 11, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
The second Professor at the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church at Princeton, NJ (now Princeton Theological Seminary) was the Rev. Dr. Samuel Miller. As the lone colleague of Archibald Alexander during the first few years of the seminary, Miller is well remembered for his voluminous catalogue of writings on ecclesiology, Christian ministry and theological tr...
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September 11, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
The most recent episode of "East of Eden: The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards" is now out. You can find it here. Originally preached in Northampton in 1735, and then preached again in 1752, The Most High, a Prayer Hearing God was preached on a fast appointed on the account of epidemical sickness at the eastward of Boston. In this sermon, Edwards foc...
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September 5, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
I must have read Hebrews once a week as a young Christian. Nothing thrilled my heart more than seeing the One by whom I had been redeemed being exalted to the place of highest honor when the writer contrasted Christ with His forerunners in redemptive-history. I fell in love with biblical theology by sitting at the feet of the writer of Hebrews. The Scriptures made sense. R...
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September 4, 2012
by Nicholas Batzig
The second episode of "East of Eden: The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards" is out. This time Craig Beihl, Dave Filson, Jeff Waddington and I sit down to discuss Edwards' first published sermon, "God Glorified in Man's Dependence." You can listen to or download the episode over at the Reformed Forum. Here is a summary of the episode:
Originally preach...
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