A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for April 2017

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The Roller Coaster Effect of Ministry

I recently listened to one of the fathers of our denomination speak about the "ups and downs" that he was experiencing in ministry. This man had planted a church in the PCA (which he subsequently pastored for many decades), oversaw quite a number of church plants out of that congregation and is currently planting a new church. What he said triggered painful memories of ...

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Being Professional in Ministry?

John Piper's Brothers, We Are Not Professionals is one of the books that pastors in the Western world would do well to read annually. In that work, Piper puts his finger on the gaping wound of a corporate mindset that has plagued the church in North America for far too long. At the outset Piper explains why we should reject the professionalizing of ministry: "We pastors...

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