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Archives for October 2011

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Preaching Christ in the Proverbs (Video and Audio)

My good friend Matt Holst, minister of Geneva OPC in Woodstock, GA, recently delivered a lecture titled “Preaching Christ in the Proverbs” at the Reformation Worship Conference at Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, GA. You can see a brief outline for Matt’s lecture here.  You can find the audio here. You can watch the video below. This is a challenging su...

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Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University Resources

If you've not yet made the website for the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University one of your principle places of research and theological growth, you are missing out on a great blessing. The WJE Online is one of the most profitable sources of all things Edwards. I frequently use the sermon index to reference sermons in my own sermon preparation. The site's searchabil...

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New Keith and Kristyn Getty Christmas Album

Keith and Kristyn Getty continue to bless the church with new modern hymnody. Their latest release is a Christmas album titled, "Joy: An Irish Christmas." You can listen to parts of the songs on their website. There are some previously released songs on this album, as well as several new ones! You can watch a short video clip of Keith playing a segment of "Joy Has Dawned" ...

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Preaching Christ from the Proverbs (Lecture)

With the resurgence of interest in biblical theology and redemptive-historical hermeneutics I expect that we'll see more work being done to promote a consistent covenantal and canonical approach to preaching various portions of Scripture in a Christological way. This is especially necessary with regard to those portions of the OT that have largely been misunderstood or mis...

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The Obedience of the Second Adam and True Israel

There are several defining moments in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ that deserve the deepest and most serious consideration. His baptism at the Jordan, His temptation in the wilderness, His transfiguration, His agony in Gethsemane and His sufferings on the cross are the most significant points in Jesus' earthly ministry. The baptism and temptation are singular in their...

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A Biblical Theology of Locusts

There is a fascinating biblical theological development in the Scriptures with regard to locusts and the judgment of God. This horned grasshopper--that eats all vegetation in its path (and up to its own body weight in food every day!) moves in large swarms of other locusts at the same speed as the wind. Swarms of locust consume entire fields of vegetation--leaving a barren...

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The Inner Ring (October 2011 Tabletalk Devotional)

Standing before the student body of King’s College, University of London, in 1944, C. S. Lewis delivered one of his most profound speeches. Intent on calling his listeners to give serious consideration to the dangers of what he called, “The Inner Ring,” Lewis explained that at every social level are certain “inner rings” of fellowship. Upon discovering them, the ...

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Revjw's Books Corner 8

By now some of you may be aware that Dr. Bill Edgar and Dr. Scott Oliphint of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia have edited a fine primer of classic apologetic texts from the New Testament down to the present.  The set is titled Christian Apologetics: Past and Present and it is now complete with the appearance of the second volume which can be obtained here...

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The Double Crucifixion

William Still explained--in the most vivid way--the reality of the double crucifixion spoken of in Gal. 6:14. There, Paul wrote about the division God sets between redeemed man and the fallen world on account of the crucifixion of Christ. He wrote: We like to think of the double crucifixion, envisaged here, in theatrical terms. There stand the world, and there stand I, and...

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The Benefits of Preaching Preparation

I need to read and reread my sermons before I step into the pulpit to preach them.  At first I only did this so that I could deliver my sermons smoothly.  But over time I have become aware that I need to read and reread them because I need to preach to myself.  Or rather, the Word needs to confront me since I am a sinner in need of the correction and encouragement that ...

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