A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for June 2021

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The Genesis of Long Lives

Long Life

No matter how long men lived after the fall, the curse of the fall echoed in the words, “…and he died.” Man cannot outlive death, no matter how long his life may have been. The futility of life and the inevitability of death served to produce in that primitive era a greater taste of the bitterness of the fall, the longing for the promised Redeemer, and the hope of th...

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Confessions and Worship


When Christians publicly confess the truths that the church has always confessed, God is distinguishing between the church and the world...

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Platforms, Polemics, and Pastoral Ministry


Pastors must learn to strike the balance between pastoring people through the daily needs of their lives and courageously tackling false teaching that threatens the purity of the gospel and the church. Ministers should consider themselves to be, first and foremost, shepherds of the flock of the Lord Jesus which God has entrusted to their care. If they must engage in public...

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