A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for April 2018

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God's Metrics

God's metrics are not our metrics. The way in which we seek to measure fruitfulness and faithfulness is often quite skewed. No one understood the issue of faithfulness and fruitfulness so well as the great Apostle Paul. In 1 Corinthians 3, he first explained the nature of a fruitful Gospel ministry by drawing off of the farming metaphor: "I planted, Apollos watered, but G...

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It Only Takes One

Sometimes believers mistakenly conclude that God is stricter and more swift to bring judgment in the Old Testament era than He is in the New. This is, in part, an understandable conclusion. There is a sense in which God's judgments seem to be suspended on account of the atoning death of Jesus. One might even go so far as to make the argument that common grace flows globall...

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