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Archives for February 2013

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The Holy Spirit Says...

In Hebrews 3:7, the writer introduces one of the many  Old Testament citations found in this letter with the words, “As the Holy Spirit says…” In setting up Psalm 95:7-9 in the manner in which he did (with the Holy Spirit presently speaking in the OT text), the writer intended to draw attention to the fact that God is the living speaker in all of the Scriptures. Scr...

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John Newton's Olney Hymn of Gospel Types

If you've never read through the Olney Hymns you are missing out on a great blessing. Chances are good that you've sung one if you worship in a church that holds a high view of historic hymnody. Two of the more memorable hymns in the project were "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" and "God Moves in a Mysterious Way." John Newton, the great slave-trader turned slave ...

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The Importance of Time Management

If there is one area of life I imagine most of us wish we could improve upon it would be, without a doubt, that of time management. It's not simply those who foolishy squander time who need to grow in this respect--it's anyone trying to balance the responsibilities of family, work, church and personal care. Everything that fills our schedules falls under one or more of ...

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Jesus and the General and Special Revelation of God

One of the most important subjects to which we can give our thoughts is that of the relationship between general and special revelation. These two categories of God's self-revelation are often approached as if they were two planets orbiting in concentric circles yet never touching one another. Such an approach misunderstands God's original intention for these two forms o...

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Sinclair Ferguson Sermon Series Collective

We have John Hendryx to thank for making so many of Sincliar Ferguson's sermon series audio available at Monergism. Below you will find all of the Ferguson series that John has gathered from Tapes from Scotland, First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC and various other places: Old Testament: Genesis Joshua Ruth 1 Kings 2 Kings Nehemiah Psalms Daniel Joel Jonah Haggai Ze...

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Warfield, Biblical Doctrines and Confessionalism

B.B. Warfield, in his article on "The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity," made a significant observation regarding the Scripturally accurate formulation and articulation of biblical doctrines. The locus classicus, and test case for Warfield, was the doctrine of the Trinity. He explained that the historical doctrine of the Trinity "can be spoken of as a Biblical doctrine......

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"Textual, Expository, Redemptive-Historical, Applicatory" Preaching?

Let's be honest. None of us has the handle on preaching and no two ministers preach the same. John Chrysostym, Augustine of Hippo, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Samuel Davies, Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, John Wesley, Archibald Alexander, Martyn Lloyd-Jones and James Boice were some of the model preachers in the history of the church and they all had unique appro...

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