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Archives for June 2012

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Adolphe Monod on Jesus, the Mystery of Godliness

The apostle Paul adopts what appears to have been a 1st Century Christian creed or hymn in 1 Timothy 3:16--in which he introduces a six line refrain about Christ with the prologue, "Great is the mystery of godliness:" "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the ...

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The "Not I, but the Lord...I say, Not the Lord" Sayings of Paul

John Murray, Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminister Theological Seminary in Philadelphia from 1930-1966, wrote what I believe to be the single most helpful chapter on the internal testimony of Scripture. In "The Attestation of Scripture," in the Westminster Seminary faculty symposium volume The Infallible Word, Murray handles objections raised against the idea ...

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Jonathan Edwards on Self-Righteousness in Believers

Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon Bringing the Ark to Zion a Second Time, noted the great danger of falling into the sin of self-righteousness as a believer. He explained: And let particular persons strictly examine themselves whether they hadn’t been lifted up with their particular experiences. I think, according to what observations I have made—as I have had [more] ...

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The Emmaus Sessions: The Abrahamic Covenant and Christ

This past Tuesday we met at New Covenant's study center for the sixth installment of "The Emmaus Sessions." This time we met to consider the Abrahamic Covenant in redemptive history. This is the first part of several forthcoming meetings on the Abrahamic Covenant. You can find all of the previous Emmaus Sessions' audio and video here. You can find the most recent audio her...

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Christ Crucified: the Center of Gravity in Preaching

In his sermon "The Gracious Provision," Geerhardus Vos made some outstanding--and much needed--observations and instructions about keeping Christ crucified for sinners at the center of all our preaching. Note the way that Vos tied together the focus of preaching and the focus of the Lord's Supper when he wrote: I sometimes feel as if what we need most is a sense of proport...

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