A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for July 2011

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Paradise Restored (Video Series)

Recently I began a series at New Covenant Presbyterian Church on the use of certain Old Testament passages in the New Testament--specifically those having to do with the work of Christ and the new creation. The title of the series is "Paradise Restored." You can watch the second video in the series below. The text was Psalm 110, and the title "The Everlasting Prophet, Prie...

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Christ is the Wisdom of God

In his Unpublished Essay on the Trinity, Jonathan Edwards explained why Jesus Christ must be understood to be the wisdom of God. Consider carefully the Scripture proofs to which he appeals, and then compare them to what Paul says in Colossians 2:2-3: Christ is called "the wisdom of God." If we are taught in the Scripture that Christ is the same with God's wisdom or knowled...

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The Revelation of the Father and the Son

Among the plethora of references to the Deity of Christ recorded in Scripture (Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2; John 12:36-41; Hebrews 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-21; Philippians 2:5-11; Rom. 9:5; 1 Tim. 3:16, etc.) none are quite as profound as that found in the oft overlooked prayer of Jesus recorded in Matthew 11:27. One might expect such an intimate discussion between the Son and t...

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Jonathan Edwards on the Demand and Curse of the Law

Jonathan Edwards, in his Miscellanies, noted that God's demand for perfect obedience to the law (with its subsequent curse on any and all disobedience) spanned from the time of Adam throughout redemptive history. He wrote: "That saying in Deuteronomy 27:26, "Cursed is everyone that continues [not] in all things contained in the law to do them," was in force before it was w...

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The Cursed Christ

In his commentary on Galatians 3:13, John Calvin made the follow observations about Christ being a curse for us: "Christ hung upon the cross, therefore he fell under that curse. But it is certain that he did not suffer that punishment on his own account. It follows, therefore, either that he was crucified in vain, or that our curse was laid upon him, in order that we might...

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Christ, The Savior of Biblical Interpretation?

In 1988 Vern Poythress wrote an intriguing article for the Westminster Theological Journal titled, "Christ the Only Savior of Interpretation." Poythress' point in the article is to highlight our need for the saving work of Jesus to free us from faulty biblical interpretation. Jesus is center of revalti0n and Savior of faulty interpretation. Summing up his argument with the...

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Calvin on Legal Righteousness

Over the past three decades there have been a litany of attempts--within Reformed and evangelical circles--to refine our understanding of the believer's relationship to the Law of God for justification before God. It would do us a world of good to dig deeply into the writings of the Reformers themselves to see how they unpacked the teaching of Scripture in light of their o...

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Machen on 'Do This and Live'

"'The law is not of faith (does not partake of the nature of faith), but as Scripture says, 'He who does them shall live in (or by) them.' Paul means to say, "describing the nature of the law, it requires doing something. But faith is the opposite of doing. So when the Scripture says that a man is justified by faith, that involves saying that he is not justified by anythin...

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Forthcoming Reformed Commentary Series

Dr. Jon Payne, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Douglasville, GA, is currently editing The Lectio Continua--a forthcoming series of Reformed expository commentaries. The list of contributors include Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Thomas, Ian Hamilton, Edward Donnelly, Joel Beeke, etc. John Fesko's commentary on Galatians is set to be released in Feb. 2012. This series look...

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