A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for March 2016

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A Redemptive Historical Lamb

As various aspects of the Person, saving work and fruit of the Lord Jesus unfolded throughout Old Testament redemptive history, one truth that continually rose to the forefront was the need for an atoning sacrifice. Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins is as old as our first parents. God came and clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of an animal (i.e. presumably a lamb...

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5 Rules of Social Media Engagement

Those of us who are active to any extent on social media have, no doubt, written or said something that we wish we could retract. All of us have, at times, forgotten that there are divinely given rules of engagement for the social media realm--even as there are rules of engagement in the day in and day out personal interactions we have. It is all the more important for us...

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An Ides of March for Every Caesar

Yesterday, I had the great honor and privilege of preaching before the Georgia State Senate. Given the fact that the State of Georgia has recently been in the news on account of Governor Nathan Deal's opposition to bill HB 757--a religious liberty bill that would protect religious organizations and ministers from unlawful discrimination lawsuits--I had to prayerfully figh...

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The Spirit in the Old and New Testament

One of the great questions that has plagued theologians throughout church history is that which concerns the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament by way of contrast with His work in the New Testament. The Scriptures clearly teach that Spirit effects salvation in the lives of believers in both eras; however, it also seems to suggest that there is a significant di...

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Giving and Receiving Criticism in Ministry

Giving or receiving criticism is one of the most painful yet most necessary parts of a believer's life in a fallen world. It is one of the difficult aspects of Gospel-ministry. No one likes to be criticized--and most of us do not enjoy having to confront others. If we were honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that we would rather criticize others by means of si...

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