A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for February 2012

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Feeding on Christ - 2012 Giveaway

Feeding on Christ and New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill, Ga. are hosting a Spring 2012 giveaway. We are giving away a rare 1788 edition (1st edition) of Jonathan Edwards' Practical Sermons. How to enter: 1. Visit New Covenant Presbyterian Church's website, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "like" button for our Facebook page. 2. Follo...

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Jesus, the Temple, and Gentiles

Jesus once said that he came to minister to the lost sheep of the household of Israel (Matt. 15:24).  And that he most certainly did.  But like the OT prophets before him, he did not lose sight of the implications of the Abrahamic promise for Gentiles.  Is it possible that this same concern formed some of the background for Jesus' cleansing(s) of the temple (John 2:13-2...

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A Biblical Theology of Food and Drink

I love food. I could never begin to imagine a world without it. Prior to entering the ministry a large amount of my time was spent working with and preparing food for others to enjoy. Food is one of those great blessings of God that we enjoy in community with one another. So much of our social interaction is built around meals. It’s no surprise, then, that there are a ev...

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Gospel Justice

In the Old Covenant era the civil law required restitution and retribution for certain cases of theft. A thief had to pay back sometimes two, sometimes four and sometimes five of whatever he had stolen (Exodus 22:1-15). These case laws had a prospective Gospel principle embedded into them. Jesus kept the law (restitution) that we had broken and took the punishment (retribu...

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"Filling the Shepherd's Fold" Seminar

This upcoming weekend (Feb. 17-19) I am scheduled to be speaking about church planting/gathering at Reedy River PCA church in Conestee, SC. The theme of the seminar talks is  "Filling the Shepherd's Fold: Theological, Practical and Methodological Insights on Outreach." Some of the topics that will be addressed are: I. Being Attractional The Biblical mandate, technique...

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A Picture Worth 66 Books

Scotty Smith, Founding Pastor of Christ Community Church in Nashville, TN, recently shared a picture of a painting, by Nashville artist David Arms, that hanging in Christ Community's worship center. It is a symbolic representation of what Thomas Boston called Human Nature in its Fourfold State. Under the figure of a tree before the fall, after the fall, in light of th...

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A Cheap and Easy Way to Support a Church Plant

Perhaps you've wanted to support a church plant, but don't have anymore time or money to give. Consider the following incredibly cheap and easy way to support a Gospel-centered church plant!: People often ask me, "How did you gather people into the church plant?" There's obviously not a single answer to that question. Sometimes, it is not always clear how the gathering h...

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