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Archives for January 2013

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The God Who Loves Finished Work

Every now and then you come across something in your reading that seems to nearly stop you in your tracks and forces you to meditate, almost unconsciously, on the greatness of the truths with which you are presented. When this happens, you know that moving past them too hastily would be an enormous mistake. Such was the case for me when I first read the following words abo...

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Jesus and the World to Come

The writer of Hebrews is much loved for well worded one liners. Whoever the human author of this theological masterpiece was we owe him a great deal for coining phrases such as, "We See Jesus," "Jesus, the Captain of our salvation," "Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith," "looking unto Jesus" etc. There is one phrase in particular--found at the beginning of the lett...

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East of Eden (Episode 12): Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever

The most recent episode of "East of Eden" The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards" is now online. The panelists came together to consider Edwards' sermon, "Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever." Here is a brief description of the sermon: Originally preached in April 1738, Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Jesus Christ: The Same Yesterday, To-day...

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Top 10 (or 11) Volumes on the Suffering and Glory of Christ

A friend recently asked me to give what I consider to be the three most heart-stirring volumes on Christ and the Gospel. Anyone who knows me knows that it's impossible for me to stay within such small confines, so instead I want to point you to my top 10 (ok, 11!) volumes on Jesus and His sufferings. While many others could be added to this list (Please don't leave a comme...

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Eric Alexander Sermons

John Hendrix, over at Monergism.com, has been consistently chipping away at all of the audio on the Tapes From Scotland website. He has mined the following audio from Eric Alexander preached during his days at St. George's Tron. Old Testament: Genesis Exodus Joshua Nehemiah Job Ecclesiastes Isaiah Daniel Hosea Amos Jonah Micah Zechariah Malachi New Testament...

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Edwards on Intellectual vs. Spiritual Understanding

It is not always easy to distinguish between a rational and a spiritual understanding of Scripture. A man may come to the right interpretation of a portion of Scripture without having saving faith and the inner illumination of the Holy Spirit. He can have knowledge and assent without trust. This is a sobering and sometimes frightening fact with which we are faced. We are c...

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John Owen on the Apostles' Christological Interpretation of Psalm 2

In his Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews, John Owen gave consideration to the hermenutical principles underlying the way in which Psalm 2 is cited in the New Testament. Owen suggested that the fact that Psalm 2 is exclusively quoted in regard to its ultimate fulfillment in Christ shows that it was never intended to be about David in any absolute sense--even if there...

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"We See Jesus" Sermon Series

Today we began a sermon series on the book of Hebrews at New Covenant PCA. The title of the series is "We See Jesus." In the weeks and months ahead I plan on posting all the audio and video here at Feeding on Christ. You can find current audio and video below: AUDIO AND VIDEO Jesus: God's Final Revelation (Heb. 1:1-3) Jesus: Better Than the Angels (Hebrews 1:4-14)...

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Symbols of Christ in the Wilderness

Among the abundance of redemptive types that God gave Israel throughout the exodus experience, wilderness pilgrimage and the conquest of Canaan, I find none so fascinating as the Gospel-symbols that God gave them in the wilderness. In addition to the Tabernacle, the sacrificial system and the priesthood, the Lord intervened at specific points in time to bring about super...

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