A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for July 2017

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Reading God's Providence

God's providence is among the most mysterious and perplexing realities in the Universe. Ironically, many pass themselves off as being quite proficient in reading God's works of providence in their lives and in the lives of others. When something difficult, unexpected or surprising happens, we all sometimes ask ourselves, "Why did God allow this to happen? Or, what is God t...

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Destroying the Good for the Better

A friend of mine, who has pastored the same church for 35 years, has made the observation that much division, discontentment and discord in the local church comes when people allow what they perceive to be "the better" destroy their contentment with "the good." Instead of being thankful for the many ways in which God has blessed a particular local church, individuals be...

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The Greatest Book Never!

Over the years I've developed something of a preoccupation with theological compilation volumes. Though such volumes generally only undergo a single printing (only to be forever lost in the annals of publishing), they contain some of the richest and most focused theological articles and essays on a variety of theological subjects. Perhaps, another reason for my penchan...

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A Spiritual Inheritance

When I was a teenager, I had a conversation with my mom about parents leaving their children an inheritance. At some point in that conversation, my mom said, "Nick, there are different kinds of inheritances that parents can leave their children. Most limit their understanding of an inheritance to the financial realm, while the Scriptures predominantly emphasize the impor...

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