A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Archives for December 2018

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Best Face Off

I recently finished watching AE's The Clinton Affair. I was 20 years old when the Clinton-Lewinsky affair broke. Everyone was glued to the television as details about the numerous scandals surrounding President Bill Clinton came to light. Related to the Clinton scandals were the scandals involving numerous Republican senators and representatives who were calling for Clin...

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To Whom Should We Pray?

As a young Christian, I would often go to a weekly prayer meeting at the local church I attended. It was there that I first noticed how many people began their prayers by addressing God as, "Lord Jesus" or "Jesus" or "Christ," rather than by addressing Him as "Our Father" or "Our God." I wasn't sure whether or not it was right for us to pray directly to the Son and Spirit ...

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