A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Phil Ryken Installed at Wheaton

Today, Dr. Philip Graham Ryken was installed as the eighth President of Wheaton College, in Wheaton, IL. Dr. Ryken served as the senior minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA for the past 10 years. Here is what Donald Meyer, a trustee and co-chairman of the Presidential Selection Committee, had to say about the prospect of Phil's ministry at Wheaton: â...

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Stipulations for Mercy Ministry?

Having had the privilege of growing up around such men as Dr. John H. Skilton, the late professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological seminary,--who selflessly opened his home in the Vietnamese section of Philadelphia to minister to missionaries, homeless and social outcasts--mercy ministry has been something exemplified and deeply impressed into my thinking from m...

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A Heartfelt Farewell

Last Thursday I had a distinct honor and privilege.  I had the opportunity to be with my mother as she entered into glory.  Readers will remember from my post "Startled by Grace?" that my mom had spoken with me and my wife on a Saturday night a week and a half ago shortly after she had been relocated from the local hospital to the area rehabilitation center.  My m...

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Campbell on Israel and the New Covenant

Recently PR Publishing reissued Roderick Campbell's study Israel and the New Covenant which can be obtained here.  While I am not a postmillennialist myself, it is always good to read books and articles from other perspectives to keep one's mind sharp and alert.  This volume has an introduction by Oswald T. Allis, former professor at Westminster Theological Seminary ...

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The Mark of Real Gospel Preaching

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, at the beginning of his commentary on Romans 6, made the most profound and important statement about the true preaching of the Gospel. The grace of God is so free, and so abundant, that it brings salvation to the ungodly apart from anything we do. It is not our "works of righteousness that we have done" that brings about this salvation.  It is the gr...

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Cleansed By Christ Alone (John 13:1-20)

The sermon audio and video from the Sunday morning service at New Covenant Presbyterian Church is now available online. I deviated from our regular series through the book of Acts, on account of it being a baptism service, to preach a sermon on John 13:1-20. The title was, "Cleansed by Christ Alone." You can listen to the audio here. You can watch the video below: http:...

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The Impact of 9/11

I vividly remember the morning of September 11. 2001. I was living in Flat Rock, NC, just south of Asheville. I remember hustling into the Country Club where I worked as a cook, trying not to lose my job because of my prodigal lifestyle. At some point, the head chef ran out and sat the staff down. We all huddled around a small, portable, black and white television and list...

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This Reformed Life: Finding Joy in the Contemporary American Religious Climate (part 1)

I grew up as a pastor’s kid. I’ve remained a committed Christian despite the fact. And having spent the better part of the last fifteen years looking for the perfect church I’ve finally committed to the reformed expression, jumping in with both feet. In this four part series I hope to sketch out some of the highlights of this long arduous process, anti...

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The Unadulterated Enjoyment Of Christ!

Jonathan Leeman writes: One of the greatest ironies of the postmodern West might be this: that great symbol of pleasure in our culture for which it (consciously or not) most emphatically rejects God - sex - is the very thing God has given humanity so that it might have an analogy, a category, a language for knowing what the unadulterated enjoyment of him will be like in g...

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Promises, Promises

The audio and video of the sermon from the Sunday morning worship service at New Covenant Presbyterian Church is now online. The text was Acts 13:13-52, and the title, "Promises, Promises." You can listen to the audio here. You can watch the video below: http://vimeo.com/14740517...

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