A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Talking about the Church...

Talking about the Church is actually quite a difficult task, since Scripture speaks of the Church in a variety of ways. More often than not, individuals have failed to rightly distinguish between the different ways in which the biblical authors speak about the church. This, of course, raises the question, "What is the Church?" In order to give the most biblically robust a...

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The Affectionate Pastor

In serious-minded biblical churches, pastors rightly value theological rigor, biblical worship, exegetical preaching, corporate prayer, the right administration of the sacraments and the exercise of church discipline. However, one thing that does not seem to get the same emphasis in such circles is affectionate pastoral ministry. I'm not referring to the quasi-liberal so...

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Bringing our Children to the Table

Since the practice of the Lord's Supper has regained something of a focused treatment online in recent days, I thought it might be advantageous to focus on another important aspect of the Lord's Supper--namely, how and when should we bring our children to the Table. In doctrinally serious churches, welcoming the children of believers to the Lord's Supper is one of the mos...

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Communing with Christ in the Supper

Recently, a video of Francis Chan surfaced in which he tries to explain what he now believes about the real physical presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper. Without wishing to dissect the many erroneous arguments Chan made about the unity of the visible church throughout the first fifteen hundred years of church history and the role of preaching in the early church, I do...

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Old Testament Redemptive-Ethical Concessions

Recently, I preached on the devastating consequences of Jacob's polygamous and incestuous marriage to Leah and Rachel. This was not the first time the Old Testament confronts us with the sticky problem of polygamy. It first appears in the genealogical record of Cain's reprobate descendants, where we read of Lamech's polygamous marriage and subsequent boastful defense of h...

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Not as the Word of Men

Theologians have frequently appealed to the internal testimony of Scripture as a substantiating proof of its divine authorship. For instance, B.B. Warfield, in his article "'It says;' 'Scripture says;' 'God says,'" takes note of the divine authorship of Scripture from the consistent way in which the New Testament introduces its Old Testament citations. Others have pointed...

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2019 Writing in Review

2019 was the most transitional year we have had as a family, as I started a new job with Ligonier Ministries and a new pastorate at Wayside PCA on Signal Mountain, TN. The Lord was gracious to us each step of the way. I was able to write far more than I thought I would. As I like to offer a writing recap at the end of each year, here is a compilation of what I was able to...

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In the Fulness of Time...

"When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son,bornof woman, bornunder the law" (Gal. 4:4). The Apostle Paul wrote this glorious statement in order to impress the idea that all of human history centers on the person and saving work of Christ. Time was made for Jesus Christ. "The fulness of time" also refers to the two ages--the present evil age of this fallen...

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Interrelated Revelation

In his Systematic Theology, Robert Letham explains the interrelationship between general and special revelation, when he writes, "We need special revelation, the Word of God, to understand general revelation properly. This was true before the fall, when Adam received verbal revelation from God as to the nature of his task. It is doubly so once sin entered, the human m...

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A House for the Son

By the time I turned forty, I had lived in twenty-five different houses in seven different states. Relocating became standard fare for me during what many call “the formative years.” By way of contrast, my wife lived in the same house until she left for college. For ten years, I pastored a church in a military town that has 400 percent turnover. I suppose that my upbr...

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