A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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A Theology of the Sacraments

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A Theology of the Sacraments

This was a series of talks given at Wayside Presbyterian Church on Signal Mountain, TN.

November 17, 2019

A Biblical Theology of the Lord's Supper

Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: A Theology of the Sacraments Topic: Sacraments, Redemptive History Scripture: Luke 22:14–23

November 10, 2019

The Theological Meaning of Baptism

Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: A Theology of the Sacraments Topic: Sacraments, Baptism Scripture: Acts 2:38–39

October 6, 2019

A Biblical Theology of Baptism

Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: A Theology of the Sacraments Topic: Sacraments Scripture: Matthew 28:16

September 29, 2019

A Biblical Theology of Passover

Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: A Theology of the Sacraments Topic: Sacraments, Redemptive History Scripture: Exodus 12

September 22, 2019

A Biblical Theology of Circumcision

Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: A Theology of the Sacraments Topic: Sacraments, Redemptive History Scripture: Genesis 17:1–14

September 15, 2019

Introduction to the Sacraments

Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: A Theology of the Sacraments Topic: Sacraments, Christ Scripture: Romans 4:11