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Meditations on Isaiah 53 (Part 3)

In the previous meditation we considered the lack of outward beauty found in the Lord Jesus Christ. He had nothing externally attractive--either in His Person or social status--that we should desire Him. Now the prophet shifts gears to explain what is the most attractive thing about Him: "But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed." The most glorious and beautiful thing about the Son of God is His substitutionary death for us on the cross. "In my place condemned He stood." It is interesting to read these verses in light of the entirety of the book of Isaiah. In the first chapter the prophet explains that the spiritual condition of the covenant people was one of "wounds, and bruises and putrefying sores" "from the sole of the foot to the top of the head" (Isaiah 1:6). Now the people who deserved wrath to the full because of their sins, find that another steps in their place and is wounded and bruised for them. It is their sins, with all the reproach, guilt and shame, that He takes upon Himself. He would bear their sins in His body on the tree. This is the primary reason why we can now say, "He is altogether lovely."  It is when we see the crucified Son of God in our place at Calvary, we understand what He meant when he said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men to Myself."

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