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Book of Hebrews Resources

Here are some of the resources that I have found most useful for sermon preparation for preaching through the book of Hebrews. Below is a list of the sermons, articles, commentaries and other theological volumes from which I've most benefited:


William Still Hebrews Sermon Series Martyn Lloyd-Jones Hebrews Sermon Series Eric Alexander Hebrews Sermon Series Sinclair Ferguson Hebrews Sermon Series Edward Donnelly Hebrews Sermon Series John Piper Hebrews Sermon Series Ian Hamilton Hebrews Sermon Series Ligon Duncan Hebrews Sermon Series Sinclair Ferguson Miscellaneous Sermons The Hope: The Man of Heaven I (Hebrews 2:5-9) The Hope: The Man of Heaven II (Hebrews 2:5-9) The Hope: The Man of Heaven III (Hebrews 2:10-18) Is there any hope? - Hebrews 2:5-18 (MP3) Jesus Christ – the incarnation - Hebrews 2:1-18 (MP3) Jesus Christ– the priest - Hebrews 2:10-3:1 (MP3)  Jesus Stand Among Us, In Thy Risen Power - Hebrews 2:5-18; 8:1-2 (MP3) The Church's Worship - Hebrews 2:1-18 and 8:1-4 (MP3) Hebrews 2:5-18; 8:1-7; 12:18-24 (MP3) When Jesus Is the Worship Leader - Hebrews 8:1-2 (MP3) Jesus, Our Minister - Hebrews 8:1-13 (MP3) Looking for Jesus - Hebrews 12:1-29 (MP3) Nick Batzig  Hebrews Sermon Series


SERMONS (Manuscript)

Thomas Manton Sermon Series on Hebrews 11 (vol. 1, vol. 2 and vol. 3) Ligon Duncan Hebrews (ch. 1-4)

    Hebrews (ch. 5-13)

John Piper Hebrews Sermon Series Geerhardus Vos  Heavenly Mindedness (Hebrews 11:9-10) "Sermon on Hebrews 12:1-3" "Sermon on Hebrews 13:8" Martin Luther Hebrews 9:11-15 Thomas Goodwin Hebrews 1:1-2

  Hebrews 1:1-2 (2nd Sermon)



Sinclair Ferguson

"Time to (re)Discover Hebrews"

"Hebrews: Does it Do Anything for You?"

"Sabbath Rest" (Hebrews 3:18-4:9)

"Apostasy and How it Happens" (Hebrews 6:4-6)

"How Long Will It Last?" (Hebrews 7:3, 25)

"What's in Your Mind, Believer?" (Hebrews 8)

"The Christ of the Three Appearings" (Hebrews 9)

"Salvation Past, Present and Future" (Hebrews 9)

"The Greatest of All Protestant Heresies"(Hebrews 10)

"The Life of Faith" (Hebrews 11)

"The Author of Faith" (Hebrews 12)

"Privileges Bring Responsibilities" (Hebrews 12)

"A Testimony of Faithfulness" (Hebrews 13)

Moisés Silva "Perfection and Eschatology in Hebrews" ____________________________________________________________


D. A. Carson (Audio)

Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That? - Part 1 Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That? - Part 2 Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That? - Part 3

Sinclair Ferguson (Video)

Why the God-Man? (Hebrews 1-2)

Richard Gaffin (Audio) Theology of Hebrews Lecture Series R. Scott Clark Office Hours Hebrews Series ____________________________________________________________


David Gooding    An Unshakeable Kingdom

David Dickson  A Short Explanation of Paul to the Hebrews

William Lindsay Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews (vo. 1)

       Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews (vo. 2)

James A. Haldane  Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews

Archibald McLean Commentary on the Epistle to Hebrews (vol. 1)

Commentary on the Epistle to Hebrews (vol. 2)

Moses Stuart  A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews

William Gouge  A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (Vol. 1)

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (Vol. 2)

 A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (Vol. 3)

John Brown  An Exposition of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews (Vol. 1)

An Exposition of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews (Vol. 2)

A.W. Pink  An Exposition of Hebrews

John Owen   An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews (vol. 1)

An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews (vol. 2)

An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews (vol. 3)

An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews (Vol. 4)

William Perkins A Cloud of Faithful Witnesses (Commentary on Hebrews 11)



Geerhardus Vos   The Teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews

"The Priesthood of Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews"

O. Palmer Robertson God's People in the Wilderness _____________________________________________________________ In addition to the resources that I have benefited from, the following are audio lectures  I have given or articles I have written on aspects of the book of Hebrews:


How Redemptive History and Example Meet in the Book of Hebrews Jesus: True and Greater Pilgrim and Sojourner Moses, the Exodus and Christ (Part 1) - Hebrews 11:23-29 Christ and the Tent in the Wilderness


How Redemptive History and Example Meet in the Book of Hebrews Christ and the Tent in the Wilderness


"The Deep Things of Christ" (June 2011 Tabletalk article) "The Ark of the Covenant" (July 2011 Tabletalk article) "The Peril of Wandering" (November 2011 Tabletalk article)

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