A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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The Kind of People We Can Learn From

There is tendency to think we can only learn from the smartest, most gifted, most successful, and most popular Christians. We must be ready to learn from all kinds of people, from a variety of backgrounds (young and old, weak and strong, well known and obscure), because they fear the Lord. Consider a few of the people the Lord uses to teach us:

Mary the Mother of Jesus (a poor peasant virgin) (Luke 1) Rehab (a harlot who acted in faith) Widow with two mites (who put in more than all who put in out of their abundance) The father of a demon possessed son (came to Christ and said, "I believe, help my unbelief") (Mark 9:24) Simeon and Anna (elderly saints in the Temple waiting for Christ) (Luke 2) Mary of Bethany (who washed the Lord's feet with her hair, and anointed Him with costly, fragrant oil) Mary Magdalene (out of whom Jesus cast seven demons) Matthew (a tax collector who followed Christ and threw a dinner for Him at his house) Blind Bartimaeus (who cried out for mercy against all odds) (Mark 10) The Syro-Phonecian woman (Who overcame all obstacles, including Christ's silence and harsh response, by faith) (Matthew 15) The Woman who dropped a rock on the head of the Abimelech, the man who killed Gideon's 70 sons (Judges 9:53) Phoebe (who was remembered as a served the church) (Romans 16) Lydia (a worshiper of God who ministered to her family) (Acts 16) Chloe (who opened her home to house a church) (1 Cor. 1) Phineas (who believed the Lord's word and acted in faith) (Numbers 25 and Psalm 106) Mordecai (who saved the King's life and counseled his niece, Esther)

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