A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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The Christward Collective


You may have noticed that content on this blog has slowed down a bit. Part of the reason for this is the schedule that I have as a husband, father, church planter, writer, speaker, etc. Additionally, last August I took on the responsibility of helping start and become the editor of the Christward Collective--a new Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals' blog. The idea behind the Christward Collective was to gather a group of younger pastors and theologians who span the spectrum of Reformed and Calvinistic churches and who all personally hold to one or more of the historic Reformed Confessions. Each author is committed to setting forth Reformed experiential Calvinism by introducing some aspect of theological study, spanning the spectrum of systematic, biblical, historical, exegetical or pastoral theology. After doing so, we try to give the "cash value" of studying that particular theological issue. While we have various men and women contribute on a somewhat periodic basis, the regular contributors are Joe Thorn, Timmy Brister, David Murray, Joe Holland, Matt Holst, David Filson, Jason Helopoulus and myself. You can find all the posts that the regular contributors have already written in "The Reserves." You can find and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. You can find all of the posts that I have written below: We See Jesus: The New Testament Use of the Old in Hebrews 1:4-14 The Church's Neglected Treasures What Would Jesus Drink? The Parable of the Three Sons Jesus and the Empty Waterpot Does God the Father Love You Because of Jesus James and Justification: Which Court? How Jesus Redeems Our Calendars The Most Important Overlooked Doctrine The Most Important Overlooked Doctrine (Part 2) How Did Jesus Read the Old Testament? How Did Jesus Read the Old Testament? (Part 2)

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