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Some Noteworthy New Books

Although it has been out for a month or more now, I thought I should mention that Fred Zaspel's helpful systematization of the theology of Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, The Theology of B. B. Wafrield: A Systematic Summary, is now available here.  While Warfield was an accomplished systematic theologian, apologete, and Biblical exegete, he never produced a full-fledged systematic theology.  It has been said that he thought that Charles Hodge's three volume set was sufficient.  Warfield, however, wrote voluminously (as the two volume shorter writings and the ten volume collected writings sets attest).  Warfield, like his student and colleague, J. Gresham Machen, was a crystal clear writer and top-notch thinker.  Warfield was, to put it briefly, a renaissance man.  Dr. Zaspel has done us all a great favor in bringing together in topical fashion, the thought of Warfield on the wide spectrum of theological issues.  You can listen to an interview here at Christ the Center with Dr. Zaspel.  Dr. Zaspel, we owe you big time! Additionally our friends at Solid Ground Christian Books have released two new volumes worth noting.  The first is a lovely leather bound edition of the Three Forms of Unity (The Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort) which can be found here.  The second title is a new translation of the French Reformed theologian Adolphe Monod's Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness: Sharing Christ's Victory which can be obtained here.

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