Revelation Resources
While there have been endless volumes written on the book of Revelation--and, it seems as many interpretations as there are books--the following are some of the ones I have profited from most. I would especially recommend the sermon series by Sinclair Ferguson, Eric Alexander and Brian Vos. B.B. Warfield's short article below is probably the most helpful three page piece on the structure of the book ever written. Henriksen's More Than Conquerors and Poythress' The Returning King are indispensable. But, Beale's The Book of Revelation is the Pièce de résistance.
Introductory Volumes
William Hendriksen More Than Conquerors
Vern Poythress The Returning King
Vern Poythress A Guide for Understanding Revelation
Dennis Johnson Triumph of the Lamb
Jay Adams The Time is at Hand
B.B. Warfield The Apocalypse
Advanced Volumes
Greek Commentaries
G.K. Beale The Book of Revelation
H.B. Swete The Apocalypse of St. John
Biblical Theological Treatments William Dunbrell The End of the BeginningSermon Series
Sinclair Ferguson Sermon Series (mp3)
Eric Alexander Sermon Series (mp3)
Derek Thomas Sermon Series on Revelation (text only)
Peter Naylor Sermon Series (mp3)
Charles Alexander Sermon Series (mp3)
Sermon Series by Rev. Brian Vos
The Revelation of Jesus Christ - 1:1-3
The New Exodus - 1:4-8
John to the Seven Churches - 1:9-20
In the Spirit on the LD - 1:9-20
Christ In the Midst of the Lampstands - 1:9-20
The Church in the World - 1:9-20
To the Church of Ephesus - 2:1-7
The Church in Smyrna - 2:8-11
Where Satan Dwells - 2:12-17
To The Church in Thyatira - 2:18-29
To the Church in Sardis - 3:1-6
Kept by Christ - 3:7-13
Called Back to Christ - 3:14-22
A Door and a Throne - 4:1-2
A Rainbow Around The Throne - 4:3
The Twenty-four Elders - 4:4
The Throne, Fire, and Water - 4:5-6a
The Four Living Creatures Pt. 1 - 4:6b-8
The Four Living Creatures Pt. 2 - 4:6-8
A Glorious Theater - 4
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - 5:1-7
Elders: Able to Teach  - 5:5
Elders and Prayer - 5:8
The Song of Heaven - 5:8-14
The Four Horsemen - 6:1-8
The Souls Under the Altar - 6:9-11
Who is Able to Stand? - 6:12-17
'Til We Have Sealed the Servants of God - 7:1-13
The 144,000 - 7:1-8
The Great Multitude - 7:9-17
His Tabernacle Over Them - 7:9-17 (15-17)
Revelation 8 thru 11
A Half Hour of Silence - 8:1-6
Prayers and Trumpets - 8:1-6
The First Four Trumpets - 8:7-13
The Fifth Trumpet - 9:1-12
The Sixth Trumpet - 9:13-21
The Mighty Angel and the Little Book - 10
The Measuring of the Temple - 11:1-2
The Two Witnesses - 11:1-4
That Word Above All Earthly Powers - 11:1-6
The Death and Life of the Church - 11:1-14
The Last Trumpet - 11:15-19
Revelation 12 thru 14
A Great Sign in Heaven - 12:1-6, 14:14-20
A Woman Clothed with the Sun - 12:1-6
A Great, Fiery Red Dragon - 12:3-4
With a Rod of Iron - 12:1-6
The Church in the Wilderness - 12:1-6
War in Heaven - 12:7-12
The Woman Persecuted - 12:13-17
The Beast from the Sea - 13:1-10
The Beast from the Earth - 13:11-18
The Lamb Standing on the Mountain - 14:1-5
The Everlasting Gospel - 14:6-13
The Great Winepress of the Wrath of God - 14:14-20
Revelation 15 thru 16
Another Sign in Heaven - 15:1
On the Sea of Crystal - 15:2-4
The Song of Triumph - 15:1-4
The Temple Opened, But Not Entered - 15:5-8
The Bowls and Prayer - 15:6-7Â
The First Bowl - 16:1-2
The Second Bowl - 16:3
The Third Bowl - 16:4-7
The Fourth Bowl - 15:8-9
The Fifth Bowl - 16:10-11
Armagedon (Sixth Bowl) - 16:12-16
The Seventh Bowl - 16:17-21
The Judgement of the Great Harlot- 17:1-2
Babylon the Great- 17:1-8
The Beast- 17:7-14
The Nations in Tumult- 17:15-18
The Fall of Babylon - Revelation 18:1-8
Lamentations - Revelation 18:9-20
Fallen to Rise No More - Revelation 18:21-24
The Hallelujah Chorus - Revelation 19:1-5
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Revelation 19:6-10
The Rider on the White Horse - Revelation 19:11-16
The Final Battle - Revelation 19:17-21
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