A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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Reading the Gospels in Light of the Gospel

Last year I wrote a post titled "Preaching Christ from the Gospels," in which I sought to introduce and address the issue of the our need to set all of the teaching of the Gospels in the context of the Person and saving work of Christ. With the rise of biblical theology and its application to the OT narrative, the importance of  BT to the Gospels has often been overlooked. It's the "story behind the story" that sustains the teachings, stories and miracles of the Gospel. This past Sunday morning I taught a Sunday school lesson at New Covenant on reading the Gospels in light of the Gospel. The title was, "The Gospels in Light of Christ." You can listen to the lecture here. I hope to develop this into more formal material in the months ahead. I'd love any feedback along the way.

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