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The John Murray Collection

I was weaned on the writings of the members of the original faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. The older I get, the more I realize how much I especially owe to the work of the late Professor John Murray. Murray served as the professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary from 1930-1966. Among his published works that I have found most helpful are his essays, articles, chapters and sermons in the Collected Writings of John MurrayRedemption Accomplished and Applied, Principles of Conduct (esp. the appendices), his commentary on Romans, and his book on Divorce. There are also several solitary chapters and short writings by Murray worth reading. For instance, the student of theology will benefit from reading Murray's short introduction to the Beveridge edition of Calvin's Institutes. Additionally, as far as theological explanation of the internal witness of Scripture to its divine authorship is concerned, there is almost nothing so helpful as Murray's chapter, "The Attestation of Scripture," in Scripture and Confession Recently, Westminster Seminary Press published a volume of sermons that Professor Murray preached, titled, O Death, Where is Thy Sting? This work includes a number of sermons that Murray preached on various portions of Romans, as well as several other individual texts. The audio from the last five chapters are available below:

The Cost of Discipleship (Matthew 16:24)

Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:24)

This I Call to Mind (Lamentations 3:21–22, 24)

Where Two or Three Are Gathered (Matthew 18:20)

Appointed Once to Die (Hebrews 9:27–28)


Westminster Theological Seminary has made several of the lectures and chapel messages available at their media center. Thankfully, we also have the audio of a significant number of other lectures and sermons available at various sites online:

A Consecrated Body

Afflictions of God's People

Biblical Basis of Original Sin Extensively

Christ Among His People

Death and Christ's Lordship

Definition and Nature of Original Sin

Definitive Sanctification (Part 1)

Definitive Sanctification (Part 2)

Definitive Sanctification (Part 3)

Definitive Sanctification (Part 4)

Deformation of Image

Effects of the Fall (Part 1)

Effects of the Fall (Part 2)

Eligibility for Communion

Hebrews 8:7-13

Free Agency (Part 1)

Free Agency (Part 2)

Lapsarianism and Amyraldianism

Sacradotalists and Evangelicals

Holy Scripture

Hope for the Godly in Death

Humility in the Church

Imputation of Adam's Sin (Part 1)

Imputation of Adam's Sin (Part 2)

Imputation of Adam's Sin (Part 3)

Incarnation: Fact and Mode

Incarnation: Mode and Nature

Intertrinitarian Economy and the Covenant of Grace

Justification by Faith

Justification: A Full Slate<

Man in the Fallen State is in the Image of God

Moral Excellence: Dominion over the Creatures

Nature of the Incarnation: Hypostatical Union

Nature of Sin: Imputation of Adam's Sin

Nature of Imputation: Mediate and Immediate Imputation

Original Sin: Inability (Biblical Basis)

Objections to Spiritual Inability

Origin of Man in Relation to the Theory of Evolution

Peter's Rebuke of Christ

Plan of Salvation: Election and Reprobation (Eph. 1:3-14)

Plan of Salvation: Foreknowledge, Predestination, Foreordination

Prayer to the Triune God

Predestination: Intertrinitarian Controversy

Questions on Inability

Roman Catholic View of Man's Primitive Condition

Roman Catholic View of Man's Primitive Condition Criticized

Self-Denial and Discipleship

Spiritual Discernment<


The Agency of Christ and the Agency of Believers in Sanctification

The Agency of the Father in Sanctification

The Agency of the Spirit in Sanctification

The Claims of Christ are Paramount

The Corporate Aspect of Sanctification

The Cross and the Judgment

The Free Offer of the Gospel

The Future Salvation

The Nature of Man (with Theological Implications)

The Nature of Man (Antiquity of Man, part 1)

The Nature of Man (Antiquity of Man)

The Nature of Man: Spirit, Trichotomy

>The Nature of Man: Trichotomy Stated and Refuted

The Nature of Man: Trichotomy Stated and Refuted (Part 2)

The Nature of Man: Conclusion of Trichotomy

The Nature of Man: Dichotomy

The Pattern of Sanctification (Part 1)

The Pattern of Sanctification (Part 2)

The Priority of Regeneration (Part 1)

The Priority of Regeneration (Part 2)

The Progress and Corporate Aspects of Sanctification

The Progressive Aspect of Sanctification

The Pursuit of Holiness

The Reality of Human Action and the Power of Contrary Choice

The Rich Man and Lazarus

The Spirit Convicts the World

The Spirit Glorifying Christ

The Truth or the Lie

Unity of Covenant of Grace - Exegesis of Gal. 3:17-22

Work Out Your Salvation

Jesus, the Son of God (Part 1)

Jesus, the Son of God (Part 2)

Apostolic Witness

Eschatological Lectures #1

Eschatological Lectures #2

>Eternal Sonship

All That the Father Giveth Me Shall Come

The Fourth Commandment

Exposition of Romans 8:32

Let This Mind Be In You Which Was in Christ Jesus

The Person of Christ: Incarnation & Hypostatic Union

Free Agency

The Adamic Administration

Man in the Image of God

The Nature of Man

The Origin of Man



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