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Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University Resources

If you've not yet made the website for the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University one of your principle places of research and theological growth, you are missing out on a great blessing. The WJE Online is one of the most profitable sources of all things Edwards. I frequently use the sermon index to reference sermons in my own sermon preparation. The site's searchability is very user friendly, and the ever growing number of resources provide an abundance of material for scholastic work in Edwards' life and theology. Because there is so much on the site, I thought it might help to collect some of the more widely useful resources into one spot. Below you will find what I deem to be the most beneficial pages there: Works of Jonathan Edwards Online (WJE Online) Major Works Published Writings Online Multi-Media Library First Source: a searchaeble collection of scholarly digital text archives (beta version) such as the Works of Calvin, Edwards, Melanchthon, Whitefield, etc. List of free, downloadable Google Book PDF editions of many of Edwards' writings Blogs that frequently link to resources on WJE online Edwards' Resolutions Jonathan Edwards' Sermon Index with Sermons Online Database of Scholarly Articles and Books about Edwards

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