How to Enjoy the The Virgin-Born Christ
Matthew 1:23 Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us).
Luke 1:27 To a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary.
Christ was born of a virgin mother. This is unique in that He was the only human conceived in this manner; and it is different from all other beings. Christ being planted in the womb by the Spirit shows the believer the spectacular birth that proved the deity of Christ among all creation, being the Savior of humanity.
The virgin birth, to some, may not seem crucial to belief. However, it is a truth of the gospel that makes Jesus the Christ. It is of great importance to maintain a high view and belief in the virgin conception of Jesus Christ, because without such a doctrine you simply lose Jesus Christ. In losing Jesus as the Christ you merely have another human leader that claimed to be “the way.†This virgin birth shows and reveals that Jesus was the Christ and the “One†that would come to save the world. It is sad that some do not believe or see this truth of the gospel as important. If you take away the virgin birth of Christ, you are left with nothing but a bastard for a son - no Lord, no Savior; just some guy, and a mockery of the scripture beforehand which prophesied of his virgin birth (such as Isaiah 7:14 - “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.â€). The doctrine that Christ was literally born from the womb of a virgin mother is important to the gospel. Without this concept, the gospel becomes like every other religion that there is, and followers of Jesus of Nazareth become followers of a mere man that walked around the world.
For the gospel, it gives the supernatural and unthinkable: could it even happen that a human individual came into this earth born of a virgin? For Christ is a supernatural Christ. He always existed, He did miracles, He performed healings, changed lives - and further, it is essential for the believer to see the importance that He came from a virgin womb. It is critically important, because without knowing this, it belittles how and why Christ came. His coming to earth was miraculous in that it was like no other. For the believer, they serve and live for a miraculous Christ, who is by no means bound to laws or anything that the human mind may think of. For the believer not to boast in this supernatural event is to make Christ a liar or a type of fake that claims Himself, “to be the only begotten Son of God.†The believer can delight in knowing that the Savior was like no man, but became like that of man to bear their sins. This Son of God that came to save the sins of the world had chosen a way that would leave all of humanity dumbfounded by its nature.
The believer finds his delight in the truth of the virgin birth by its beauty; especially in the marvel that they - the believer - can even serve such a Christ. The believer can boast that Christ fulfills His Word, which had once been prophesied and had now been completed in His virgin birth. The believer can affirm their Savior because of the wonderful accounts and records of this type of birth actually happening! They can boast that Christ’s birth was like that of His resurrection in that because of his supernatural birth, He was also supernaturally raised from the dead. O how great for the believer to know they serve a Lord whose blood would have never been supernatural if it was not for this supernatural birth; nor would His incarnation even been able to occur without this act of the virgin birth. Christ will one day return for His believers, and what great honor it will be when His believers see Him face to face, knowing that they believed that this supernatural event of the virgin birth was a factor in making Christ look glorious to the nations, and was necessary for His supernatural second coming for His people. The believer can praise God for sending Christ in such a way that would astonish those who are saved and unsaved alike; to see the wonder and awe that lies in Christ’s person, and who He is today. For the believer may then praise Christ for making His incarnation greater than all humanity, so that He could accomplish redemption in such a way that it would - and will - leave the believer with nothing more to say or do, but boast in this Christ whom is greater than all things, and above all things, for all time.
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