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East of Eden: God Glorified in Man's Dependence (Episode 2)

The second episode of "East of Eden: The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards" is out. This time Craig Beihl, Dave Filson, Jeff Waddington and I sit down to discuss Edwards' first published sermon, "God Glorified in Man's Dependence." You can listen to or download the episode over at the Reformed Forum. Here is a summary of the episode:

 Originally preached in Northampton in the fall of 1730, and later preached at Boston for the Harvard convocation week Thursday lecture on 8 July 1731, God Glorified in Man’s Dependence was Jonathan Edwards’ first published writing. In it, Edwards issued a clarion call for a biblical and Calvinistic understanding of redemption. Specifically Edwards shows the Trinitarian basis of salvation. Man depends upon God the Father for the initiation of redemption, on the Son for the accomplishment of redemption, and on the Holy Spirit as the one who works faith in him, thereby uniting him to Christ. In other words, believers have all their salvific good from God, through God, and in God.

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