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David Gooding: A Theologian Worth Knowing About

When I first came to Savannah, Ga to plant New Covenant, I was introduced to the theological writings of Dr. David Gooding. A local pastor here mentioned that he had learned of Gooding from a reference made in Alec Motyer's commentary on Isaiah. Goodings' books are available for free in PDF format online. His True to the Faith is one of the best theological works I have come across on the Acts of the Apostles. It is full of profound insight and exposition. In addition to this commentary, Gooding has written volumes on the Gospel of Luke, Hebrews, John 13-17, etc. So who is David Gooding? "David W Gooding, MA, PhD, is professor emeritus of Old Testament Greek at Queen's University Belfast. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy." I highly recommend his work.

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