A Site for the Teaching Ministry of Nick Batzig 

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2016 Writing in Review

A number of years ago, I started cataloguing all that I have written over the course of the year. I decided to do this mainly for the congregation that the Lord has called me to pastor. However, I also do it for those who read my blog on a regular basis. To that end, it is my sincere desire that a compilation of what I wrote in 2016 will, in some small way, serve as a benefit to the people of God:


Tabletalk Magazine

Legalism Defined

Faithfulness and Fruitfulness  


The Christward Collective

10 Outstanding Theologians (Of Whom You May Not Have Ever Heard)

The Importance of An Inquirer's Class

The Story of Redemption

A Biblical Theology of Clouds

Faults to Avoid in Public Prayer

Taking a Vacation from God?

Making Changes in a Church

Killing Envy

What Would Jesus Buy?

How Then Should We View the Children?

10 Essential Pre-Reformation Writings

I Promise...

The Offices of Christ and the Marks of the Church

A Marathon Mentality for Ministry

The Blessing of Teaching the Children

The Blessing of Visiting the Sick

...Until We Contemplate the Face of God  


Reformation 21

Unity in Multi-Categorical Diversity in the Church

No Adam, No Christ!

Ecclesiastical Antinomianism

Refuting Theological Error

Christ in Flesh and Spirit

The Savior at the Well

Wisdom and Biblical Principles of Complementarianism

Tuned in Parents on the Technological Frontier

Desiring to Rule Over Genesis 3:16

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know...

The Missing Message

The Need for a Ministerial Breakdown

Laying R.I.P. to Rest

Praying for Our New President-Elect

Scripture, Slavery and Social Activism

More Mercy in Christ Than Sin in Us

Running the Race of Redemption  


He Reads Truth

Encounters with Christ

The Ascension: Where is Jesus Now?

Sin and Redemption Our King

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

God's Judgment

Return to Your God

Loving the World  


Feeding on Christ

Plagiarizing and Quoting in Preaching

Deacons and the Poor in the Church

Not-So-Great Expectations

When the Father Sacrificed the Son

Leadership Principles and Pastoral Ministry

Church Planting Mathematics

Giving and Receiving Criticism in Ministry

The Spirit in the Old and New Testament

An Ides of March for Every Caesar

5 Rules of Social Media Engagement

A Redemptive Historical Lamb

Saying and Doing Hard Things in Ministry

The Spirit of Singing Holy Preaching Voice

The Least Attended Church Gathering

Pierced Hands of Blessing

The Family Idols

You'll Meet Them All

A Biblical Theology of Oil

Why Do I Write What I Write?

As Seemed Best to Them...

18 Marks of Gospel Produced Humility

Intramural Battle Wounds

The Little City Delivered: Christ in Ecclesiastes

When the Saints Go Marching In

Fostering Relationships Between Church Leaders

When Jesus Comes Again

Time to Change Your Church

Uncommon and Courageous Conviction

Life-Changing Sermons

A Year-End Self-Evaluation

The Kinsman Redeemer Low Expectations...

Joseph Did You Know?

Sinful Anger: Its Cause and Cure

The Minister's Grit

The Future of Emptiness


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